This post is long overdue, but I'm finally putting it up! Last week, Amanda's experimental dish was Tofu Rigatoni Casserole. Since we could not find any bulk rigatoni at the Co-Op, we used some penne we had previously purchased and seem to always have on hand these days. This was a pretty easy meal to make, and one that produced a considerable amount of leftovers, which is always good - until we forget about them in the fridge...
Eating this meal reminded me of how delicious baked pasta dishes are, and made me want to make more dishes with a delicious layer of bubbly, baked cheese on top. But alas, while eating thick layers of cheese on top of everything may be a gesture bursting with Wisconsin pride, it is also bursting with saturated fat. Oh well. Every once in a while is certainly okay though.
Cheese is good for you! Don't believe 'their' hype, believe mine! I may research this to completely win you over. (Because, as you know, I am always right and I will prove it! Except about Bismark. I was wrong then.)