Friday, March 26, 2010

What's Been on My Mind

What's been on my mind: in a word, FOOD! I had my wisdom teeth removed on Monday morning, and since then have been longing for my return to the world of solid food, crunchy food, and anything that involves excessive action on the part of my molars.

It hasn't been all bad; oatmeal with cinnamon and mashed bananas, pureed sweet potatoes and carrots, and gallons and gallons of pudding! But while I've had several hours a day to "enjoy" my spring break oral recovery, I've been thinking about all of the wonderful food I will be able to devour again very soon.

One relatively recent adoption to our kitchen has been our sourdough starter, aka "mother" (I want to come up with a more clever name for it, but creativity is lacking recently). Every morning, I add some whole wheat flour and water to it. Then, after it has absorbed a sufficient amount of yeast from the air, we take some of it and combine it with flour and other ingredients and bake a delicious sourdough loaf. It is so easy! This week, we are planning on making a few smaller loafs that will act as bread bowls for the tomato soup we just bough from Raikowski Farms at the winter farmer's market. I'm excited!

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